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“kununu Top Company 2023”: Beurer is one of the most popular employers

The Ulm-based health specialist Beurer has made a flying start to the year and has been named a "kununu Top Company". Only five percent of the more than 1 million companies registered on the evaluation platform can qualify for the seal, which is based exclusively on direct feedback from employees. With a current rating of 4.3 and a recommendation rate of 93 percent, Beurer is one of the most popular employers on kununu.

kununu is the leading employer rating platform in Europe with more than 4.9 million ratings. The criteria include career and salary, company culture, work environment and diversity. The employees' assessment score over the past twelve months and a rating scale of at least 3.8 out of 5 points are taken into account when it comes to awarding the "kununu Top Company" seal. The seal is awarded annually.

"We are very grateful for the positive and honest feedback from our employees. The feedback shows that we are doing a lot of things right in terms of satisfaction with the work environment, but also helps us to further develop Beurer. The Top Company seal is a great acknowledgement of our work and makes us an attractive employer for future applicants," says Paul O'Callaghan, Head of HR at Beurer.

Click here for the Beurer employer profile on kununu. Current job opportunities can be found online in the Beurer careers section.

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