
100 Articles

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Cuff Size

Cuff Size

  • 12,5 - 211
  • 13,5 - 21,51
  • 13.5 — 19.51
  • 14.0 — 19.55
  • 22 - 302
  • 22 - 351
  • 22 - 361
  • 22 - 429
  • 22 - 443
  • 23 -361
  • 23 - 432
  • 24 - 401

Cuff Size

  • 12,5 - 211
  • 13,5 - 21,51
  • 13.5 — 19.51
  • 14.0 — 19.55
  • 22 - 302
  • 22 - 351
  • 22 - 361
  • 22 - 429
  • 22 - 443
  • 23 -361
  • 23 - 432
  • 24 - 401

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48 of 100 items

Prevention, diagnostics and therapy


Prevention, diagnostics and therapy Look after your health! Our extensive range of blood pressure monitors has the right device for everyone. This means you always have access to your blood pressure at a glance!

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