älteres Paar Ratgeber Diabetes

Tips for managing diabetes

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Keep a Diabetes Diary!

The Diabetes Diary from Beuer makes it easier for you to track your blood sugar levels.

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Tips on measuring your blood sugar correctly!

Avoid incorrect blood sugar measurements by following a few ground rules.

  • Your current blood sugar levels can be measured just using your finger pad, because blood circulation is higher there than at alternative measuring points such as your upper arm, forearm, thigh or calf.
  • If you have problems with circulation in your hands, then we recommend massaging your fingers before washing. The same applies when taking measurements on other parts of your body.
  • If possible, always wash your hands with hot water before taking blood. This helps not only with hygiene, but also circulation. Poor circulation makes it more difficult to take blood, because you have to put the needle in deeper to reach the small drops of blood.
  • Poor circulation can also result in incorrect measurements because this reduces the blood's oxygen saturation, which may cause a reaction to the test strip.
  • Dry your hands carefully. The puncture area must not be damp because the liquid dilutes the blood sample, which may result in incorrect measurements.
  • Always change the puncture area you use, e.g. a different finger or the other hand. Repeatedly using the same area may cause inflammation, numbness or scarring.
  • Do not puncture precisely in the centre of your finger pad, as this the most sensitive area of the finger; always insert slightly to the side.
  • Do not use the AST cap (translucent) to take blood samples from the finger.
  • Do not squeeze your finger to obtain a larger droplet of blood. Squeezing causes the blood to be diluted with tissue fluid, which may lead to an incorrect measurement.
  • Do not smear the blood droplets. A smeared drop of blood cannot be accepted by the test strip.
  • Please note: the test strip's opening for blood sampling is on the edge of the test strip tip, and not on the face. Therefore, you should place your finger on the tip/edge of the test strip where there is a bright bar visible. The drop is automatically taken in by capillary action.
  • Only remove the test strip from the box shortly before measuring. The test strip is sensitive to moisture.
  • You can touch all areas of the test strip with clean and dry fingers.
  • Always keep the test strip box securely closed. It contains a coating that keeps the test strips dry. For this reason, you should also under no circumstances fill the test strips in another container.
  • Store the test strips at normal room temperature. Do not put the test strips in the refrigerator. The storage temperature is +4 to +40 °C.
  • Do not under any circumstances leave the test strip can in direct sunlight.
  • Measure at room temperature (operating range: +10 to +40 °C). Bring the measuring device and test strips to room temperature before taking a measurement.