Neck and Back Massagers
4 ArticlesWhat is a neck and back massager?
A neck and back massager enables you to massage your neck, back and shoulders. Our massage belts are designed to optimally fit your body in these areas and are easy to attach. The devices are elongated, making them comfortable to wear on your shoulders. Some devices also have loops for your hands so you can adjust the massage intensity manually. With their various massage settings and massage heads, the neck and back massagers can be a handy alternative to a massage session in a massage studio. The massage heads are designed and arranged in such a way that the devices are ideal for use on the neck and back. The massage intensities and programs have also been chosen to suit the neck and back area.
What distinguishes a neck and back massager?
Neck and back massagers differ in their shape and size. The devices may also be distinguished by different designs and surfaces. An easy-wash surface is often a very practical feature in this respect.
In particular, neck and back massagers may differ in terms of the functions they offer. For example, in addition to different massage heads, the neck and back massagers also come with different intensity levels that you can set individually. The number and type of massage programs can also vary greatly among the devices. In addition, some devices may include additional functions such as a light or heat function.
A key difference lies in the type of massage the massager offers you.
Types of neck and back massages
Not all massages are the same – your body can be massaged in very different ways and with different techniques. The kneading massage, tapping massage and Shiatsu massage are often used with neck and back massagers. Your individual needs and preferences will determine which massage is best, so it can be a good idea to try out different types to find out what works well for you and boosts your wellbeing.