Titelbild Ratgeber: Bereich Atemwege

Using pulse oximetry measurement

Who needs oxygen saturation measurements using pulse oximetry?

The areas of application for pulse oximetry range from healthy athletes who train at high altitudes to chronically ill persons requiring care.




Chronic desaturation

Existing chronic desaturation in persons affected by illnesses.

Existing chronic desaturation in healthy persons.

Acute desaturation

Acute desaturation in healthy persons.

Acute desaturation in healthy persons.

Application with ill persons

A large number of people suffer from chronic or acute respiratory diseases. Just the number of people suffering from asthma totals about 100 million people worldwide. Respiratory diseases often go hand in hand with low oxygen saturation values. Pulse oximetry measurements are particularly important for this group of patients. The illnesses include bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema (hyperinflation of pulmonary alveoli) and pulmonary oedema. All of these illnesses require medical supervision. The Beurer PO 80 records measurements that doctors can then assess. Additionally, measuring the arterial oxygen saturation levels is very important for any patients with an advanced heart condition (heart failure). The measurements also make it possible to control any required oxygen dosage or help assess the necessity for such measures. As a rule, seek medical advice immediately in the event of any acute changes to the oxygen saturation, in particular if this concerns values of < 90%. Early diagnoses with the pulse oximeter may buy valuable time.

Application with healthy persons

For healthy people, the application of a pulse oximeter may be helpful in situations where the oxygen content of the ambient air is or may be reduced. This applies most of all to periods spent at great altitudes, such as during alpine sports, when travelling in high mountain regions and during air sports. In these situations, low oxygen saturation may directly lead to hazardous health risks because oxygen saturation values must be interpreted differently at high altitudes. In high-lying regions of approximately 1,600 metres above sea level, an oxygen saturation of between 92% and 94% is normal.
